
Ancient Fleur De Lis And Its Color Meanings

By Deana Norton

Stories do last. When they last, they become history. It is the way where you can be able to have the ability to have something worthwhile. Traditional times became a great part of our being because it started out what and who we are now. And, the same applies with little details we tend to disregard these days including simple symbols.

The things from the past has been considered insignificant nowadays. But, what most people do not understand in modern times is that what is happening now were results of what has been back in Ancient times. And, the symbol of fleur de lis New Orleans are still using in present times is one.

Due to many influences in the world that got mixed up, people tend to have the liberty to discover the secrets of what it was before. Way back to the old times, Ancient Egypt considered it a symbol, which means, Tree of Life. Also, in India, this became what they created an attribute of circumcision, where they offer for their god, Horus.

However, some believed that tears that fell down from the eyes of Eve became lily flowers, creating another meaning. Also, Ancient Egyptians also considered it as a sign having a meaning, Tree of Life. In addition, Greeks believed as the flower that Hera, the Greek moon goddess own. Whatever their perceptions are, there is more, especially with its colors. Find out some meanings in the following.

White, black, silver and gold. These are the hues that depicts the grandeur of abundance. This is traditionally considered as the colors of different levels of wealth human can possess. Aside from that, in terms of this, its meanings are different. For silver and white, it means peace and sincerity while black is for grief and sadness. And, gold is for extravagant giving and exceptional intellect.

Red and maroon. These colors are closely related with each other at first glance. But, if you will spend more time in looking at its hue, you will realize that it was not similar with each other after all. Although they have a slight difference, they have meanings on their own, too. Red is for a true mark of a warrior and martyrdom while maroon is for patience in the middle of battle for victory.

Purple and blue. You see, these colors are distinctive in their own ways. Both plays an important role in history, especially with the lotus like symbol, which is called a fleur de lis. The blue one acts as the symbol of real value for truth and loyalty, while purple signifies royalty, justice and majesty. And, both acts as the standpoint of the definition of service and leadership.

Green. This color is an epic one. Its what most people consider as the tint that is good for the eyes because it soothes the eyes with its cool color. But, what is more interesting is that this one means life. It symbolizes the real meaning of joy, hope and loyal in love, which defines the real basics of real love that everyone need.

Furthermore, these are the things that you have to bear in mind whenever you talk about this. Be certain about what its story from the past. Make this as the starting point of understanding more of this even better. Share this with friends. You might not know that by doing such, you could even learn more. So, start sharing.

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