
Information On Kentucky White Tail Deer Hunting

By Marci Nielsen

Thanks to the internet, hunters from all over the world have an opportunity to learn on the various skills and techniques on hunting. Even the veteran hunters who are of course very skilled can also learn a thing or two. Long gone are the days when individuals had to learn this the hard way. In relation to this, the following is information on Kentucky white tail deer hunting.

For starters, hunters must be able to fit into the deer world. In order to attract them from the bushes, it is important for one to be wise. A grunt tube is used to produce the sounds deers make hence drawing them closer. A decoy whitetail deer can be placed on the field and this acts as a big way of drawing the rest nearer. Rattling sounds also act as a way to draw other deers making hunting easier.

Hunting whitetail deers in the woods can be quite challenging. Some hunters prefer to hunt them in open areas. Deers however spend most of their time in the woods and come out at specific times. The best moment to get a hold of them is in the morning during sunrise and late in the evening. This is when they come out in search of food and shelter hence spotting them becomes an easy job.

Trail cameras have become a must have hunting asset in Kentucky. These assist the hunter to monitor his land without causing disturbance to other wildlife. There are many types of these, all with different price ranges and qualities. They also assist in monitoring the land and also record of deers as they mature and take count which help hunters estimate how many whitetail deers the may have on their farms.

The great debate still ensues on whether it is right to bait them or not. Most of the young hunters prefer baiting since its easy while others are more drawn to the old fashioned way of doing things. There are states which have rules against baiting since there are hunters who tend to take advantage of this. Most individuals however consider this morally and ethically wrong since the whitetail deer ends up being killed just because it was drawn to food.

In the competitive hunting world, land owners and hunters are looking for all the means and ways of maintaining a good population on their piece of land. Deer attractants will stop whitetail deer families from moving to other lands in search of better nutrients and water. This includes having natural food plots, salt licks and mineral blocks among others.

Among the many precautions that one should take during hunts, hunters should always make sure that they wear scent free clothing. This is due to the fact that deers are very quick in detecting foreign scent and when they do, they look for all possible escape routes.

Scent free detergent should be used on clothes. In addition to that, a hunter should always make sure that they take a shower using odorless soap before going for a hunt.

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